Wednesday 27 January 2021

Tim Kasher - Adult Film

I've probably written about this before, but here we go again: I once saw Tim Kasher play a set at Fest on Halloween and he was absolutely battered. He came on stage just after midnight wearing a wedding dress and make-up, and the set veered between train-wreck and brilliance in ways it's hard to describe. On one hand, you couldn't take your eyes off it in a he's-going-to-regret-this-in-the-morning way, but on the other, he played the songs perfectly and there were some that sounded truly amazing. I can't remember too well which Cursive songs he played (I wasn't entirely sober myself, but in a far better state than Tim), but I remember one from The Ugly Organ sounding absolutely wonderful.

That was 2013, and early in 2014 he released his new solo album, Adult Film. He toured the album in May and we went to see him in The Windmill, with Garrett Klahn from Texas is the Reason and a guy called Karl Larsson who is apparently from a Swedish band called Last Days of April supporting. It was a nice show - hearing some Texas is the Reason songs is always nice - but we knew it was unlikely to touch that Fest show; Tim didn't come onstage drunk in fancy dress, and it was much more about the songs than wondering if it was going to descend into a crime scene. After the show I bought the new album.

Between Cursive and The Good Life, it's hard to understand the distinction between the bands and a solo album. If you told me this was a Good Life album, I'd believe you - there's not much in common with Cursive, but this could sit quite happily in the Good Life back-catalogue - it's poppy in places (in a good way) but I guess relies a bit more on organs and synths to drive the songs. I'd be lying if I said that was my thing, but I can enjoy it for what it is.

The first half has three great songs (American Lit, Truly Freaking Out and The Willing Cuckold), one easily forgettable song (Where's Your Heart Lie) and the obligatory track I can't stand - I've definitely written about this before - how Tim Kasher-related album in the last 10 (15?) years seems to have one song that has a thoroughly annoying chorus that makes me want to skip it every time. Life and Limbo is that song here. Painfully annoying stuff. The second side has fewer high, but A Raincloud is a Raincloud is nice, as is the closer.

Format: 12", insert
Tracks: 11
Cost: £12 new
Bought: Gig
When: 03/05/14
Colour: Black
Etching: None
mp3s: Download code