Monday 18 June 2012

Magnus Magnusson - Magnus Magnusson

I got this record free, and listened to it with the trepidation everyone has when listening to a freebie. I think I would have been pleasantly surprised even without my lowered expectations. I really like it, and it probably ended up being the most frequently spun of the records I got in my large Specialist Subject order in August.

The record is four songs by the band/duo the guy who runs Specialist Subject used to play in (took me while to get the connection in the names - slow day) and for a while it came free with any order of vinyl from them. The description I found somewhere said something along the lines of "a more naive, shitty ONSIND". The ONSIND comparison is clear, but I wouldn't say shitty. These songs are catchy acoustic punk rock songs (a genre I love) and I'm a huge fan of multiple vocals. The lyrics are often bitter (An Eye For An Eye And Then Some, particularly so), but that just makes it all the more heart-felt.

All in all, an excellent freebie, just a shame there's only four songs!

Format: 7"
Tracks: 4
Cost: free, new
Bought: Specialist Subject
When: 31/08/11
Colour: Black
Etching: no
mp3s: no